◆采用*特的推开百叶机构装置能自动打开和关闭百叶窗叶片; ◆采用不锈钢扇叶片一次冲压成型工艺,不变形、不断裂、美观耐用,高精度动平衡检测校正,保证风机运转平稳无振动,降低噪音,有效提高使用寿命; ◆采用特有的凹进式风机搬运提手设计,不但有效避免装卸、搬运过程中的不便,还不会影响风机安装和外观效果; ◆V型皮带轮由高强度的铝合金材料热压铸成型,材质轻、强度高; ◆配置高效节能电机,通过3C认证,防护等级:IP55,绝缘等级F级; ◆机械离心式打开机构采用韧性高的增强尼龙**原料注塑加工,强度高、寿命长; ◆导向杆内嵌的钢件安装在法兰片上,增强了机构的可靠性,有效避免尼龙生产过程的伸缩变动。 ◆Patented designed centrifugal system which can open and close automaticlly,ensuring the shutter opens 90degree under all the condition.And uncontrol-lable air can prevent from going into the birdhouse when the shutter works; ◆Mirror designed and injection moulding Stainless steel balde,with big air volume never distortion and broken; ◆Experiment of homeostasis make the blade work smoothly,nearly no noise and steadily output of air; ◆Centrifugal shutter system made of high quality engineering nylon,high strength and long service life; ◆High efficient and energy-saving motor with ccc certificate,protection class:IP55,insulation class:Fgrade.